關於我們 About LYNLI Jewelry
Every jewelry is a gift and you deserve it.
為了實現自己對於設計的想法,2015年開始,慢慢建立 LYNLI Jewelry 夢想版圖,商品皆為台灣老師傅精心製作,每一個線條、每一個彎度,都充滿著手工的溫度感與精緻的細節。藉由每一季不同的設計,傳達李倪對於美學的想法與情感。 李倪輕珠寶希望做出不受限的設計,沒有固定的搭配,將文化、情感以及細碎日常的風貌凝練在輕珠寶設計中,讓佩戴者可以自由地發揮創意、配合心情做穿搭,無需迎合他人的期待與要求,每個人都能展現專屬於自己的穿搭風景。 我們相信每一個人都能成為自己心中最美的那個模樣,無關性別、身份與位階,面對新的挑戰都能用心體驗,專注當下,氣定神閒,不疾不徐,走在自己的時間線上,閃耀著獨一無二的光芒。

LynLi Jewelry is a boutique jewelry studio located in Taiwan, founded by designer and jewelry specialist Lyn Li. At LynLi, we believe in the value of openness and trust. We live by radical transparency and take pride in each decision we make. The team currently operates in Taipei and New York, where we have established a loyal community that believes in our mission – to make high end jewelry accessible to all.
Our goal is to help match you with the perfect piece of LynLi jewelry by providing exceptional customer service and care. We closely listen to all your needs and make sure we don’t just meet them, but excel beyond it.
If you are based in Taiwan, you can view all of our designs in person in our showroom in Taipei, Taiwan simply making an appointment to our studio. For clients based outside of Taiwan, we showcase our products through pop-up stores and events. Please subscribe to get the latest information on upcoming showings.