
2. 電鍍後的保養,請不要用拭銀布擦拭,只需使用一般清水+清潔劑清洗後擦乾收進包裝內就好。
3. 部分商品使用珠寶等級電鍍,(純銀鍍金、黃銅鍍20K金),不含鎳,不易過敏,正常使用下若表面已經被磨掉到出現底層的金屬色時,可以再與我們諮詢重新電鍍的服務。


♥ LYJ使用金屬有K金、925銀和黃銅,不使用回收貴金屬。
♥ LYJ生產的 925銀或黃銅飾品下單後由於手工製作生產時間較長,如商品沒有庫存,請您再耐心等待較長時間才能完成。
♥ 因拍攝或電腦造成的色差,如果對顏色有疑慮,歡迎預約工作室親自鑑賞Salon Booking
♥ 有關付款後續、商品運送、退換貨、售後服務範圍等問題請看購買須知 

歡迎加入官方Line帳號 @lynlijewelry 詢問保養或訂製諮詢相關問題。



It is important to note that brass and silver naturally oxidize over time and this results in a grey hue. This oxidation can easily be removed with metal polish and a soft cloth. If you do not have a metal polish available, a bit of toothpaste and baking soda can also work to remove oxidation. We advise that you protect all of your LynLi pieces by keeping them away from moisture and water. And when you’re not wearing your LynLi pieces, store them in a plastic bag to delay oxidation.



Our most popular and coveted gems are fresh water pearls and mother of pearl. We don’t compromise when it comes to protecting our planet, so we source our eco-friendly pearls from a third-generation farm in China, as well as from Japan, where clean water policies are some of the strictest in the world.



Each piece of LYNLI Jewelry is made nickel free to help prevent allergic reactions and plated with rhodiumd to give your jewelry extra shine and durability. When it comes to customer safety and soundness, LynLi jewelry holds itself to the highest standard and ensure we are using the best and least harmful materials in our designs. We do not comprise those standards whatsoever, and we value the trust our customers place in us.

LYNLI Jewelry is also committed to ethical and responsible sourcing. This includes using clean and energy-efficient manufacturing processes. All of our stones are sourced from suppliers that adhere to the highest environmental and human rights standards. Because of this, you can feel good about where your jewelry comes from.